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How to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath can be very embarrassing and can happen to anyone. However, not everyone knows how to prevent it. The good news is, there are many, easy ways to help keep you breath fresh.

1. Brush your teeth – Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice, everyday. Make sure to brush your tongue as well. Along with brushing make sure to floss twice a day as pieces of food may get stuck in between your teeth and will cause bad breath. Also, using mouthwash after brushing and flossing is a very popular and effective way of preventing bad breath. This is probably the most common and easy way to prevent bad breath, but you must do it at least twice a day, every day.

2. Go to your checkups – Visiting your dentist on a fairly regular basis (every 6 months or so) is a great way to avoid bad breath. Your dentist may notice something that could be causing your bad breath, not to mention the cleaning you get at the dentist is always a great thing for your breath.

3. Make sure you fix any dental problems –
Some dental problems cause bad breath. Things like tooth decay, gum abscesses, and abscessed teeth must be treat. After treatment you may notice your breath has improved significantly.

4. Parsley – Try chewing parsley after eating a meal. Parsley is a known breath freshener and is a great, simple way to help keep your breath fresh after eating.

5. Quit Smoking – Smoking is a very large contributor to bad breath and even yellow teeth. You must quit smoking if you really want to get rid of your bad breath. Also, you may want to quit simply for other health reasons, smoking causes things like cancer.

6. Avoid foods that cause bad breath – Avoid certain foods that you know will cause bad breath, such as onions, alcohol, most foods that are spicy, and sadly coffee. These foods can contribute to your bad breath.

7. Drink water – Drinking water will keep you hydrated and will help prevent your mouth from becoming dry. Also, try breathing through your nose as much as possible as a dry mouth can be the main cause for most people’s bad breath.

8. Pop a mint – If you’re out somewhere and realize your breath may not be its freshest pop a mint. However, try to make sure you have sugarless mints. Mints that have sugar in them will cause to plaque to build up.

Hopefully some of the tips are useful and help you prevent your bad breath., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online by . For more information on how to order your drugs from Canada safely and securely call 1-866-444-6376 or visit– a trusted and reliable Canadian online pharmacy since 2002.

How to Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath can be very embarrassing and can happen to anyone. However, not everyone knows how to prevent it. The good news is, there are many, easy ways to help keep you breath fresh. 1. Brush your teeth – Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice, everyday. Make sure to brush your tongue […]