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How to Get Gorgeous Hair

You are in your living room flipping through a fashion magazine when you realize that all of the models in it have absolutely amazing hair. No fair!!! Even though it’s a magazine which could have easily been photo shopped, and the models have professionals do their updos before the shoot, you still wish that their hair could be yours. Yes – it’s happened to the best of us women, and even though you may feel hopeless in ever having such radiant locks, there are several tips that will help you on your way to achieving the impossible.

1. Vitamins

Make sure that your body is getting the proper nourishment it needs. What you put into your body affects every part of it – Including your tresses. Vitamin A and E are the best for maintaining a healthy head of hair. Try taking prenatal and hair vitamins like Biotin for best results.

2. Don’t go nuts with the hair appliances!!

Even though most of us know that curling irons and flat irons are bad for our hair, we still continue to use them! It’s understandable if you want to create the perfect hairstyle, but please try to keep the hot appliance use to a minimum because it causes dryness and breakage with excessive use. Before using appliances, lather a heat protecting cream throughout the hair before using a blow dryer or flat iron.

3. Try washing your hair less

Washing your hair everyday strips it of its natural oils and makes the scalp go into oil production over-drive. This will prevent it from looking and feeling soft and healthy. If you have slightly damaged hair, try using a good quality shampoo or conditioner that is designed to treat dry or damaged hair.

4. Hair Spa

Once a month, put some time into giving your hair a “spa treatment”. Start by asking someone to massage a deep hair conditioner into your scalp. This will stimulate the hair follicles and ensure that what grows out of them is moist and strong.

5. Regular Trims

Believe it or not, the best way to keep your hair healthy is to trim it every 4 to 6 weeks. Split and dry ends will actually slow down hair growth, and have an effect on the overall appearance of your locks., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online by . For more information on how to order your drugs from Canada safely and securely call 1-866-444-6376 or visit– a trusted and reliable Canadian online pharmacy since 2002.Read more: “CanDrugStore” –;

How to Get Gorgeous Hair

You are in your living room flipping through a fashion magazine when you realize that all of the models in it have absolutely amazing hair. No fair!!! Even though it’s a magazine which could have easily been photo shopped, and the models have professionals do their updos before the shoot, you still wish that their […]