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Isordil SR

Isordil SR (isosorbide dinitrate) is used to treat or prevent angina (chest pain). It helps treat angina by dilating blood vessels, therefore, making it easier for blood to flow through them and easier for the heart to pump.

This medication works in three ways:

  • To relieve an attack that is occurring by using the medicine when the attack begins.
  • To prevent attacks from occurring by using the medicine just before an attack is expected to occur.
  • To reduce the number of attacks that occurs by using the medicine regularly on a long-term basis.

Before using Isordil SR, tell your doctor: if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding; if you are taking any other prescription or nonprescription medicine or dietary supplements; if you have low blood pressure; if you have any other medical conditions.

Isordil SR Side Effects

Most Severe: Chest pain; fainting; rapid heartbeat.

Most Common: Headache, lightheadedness. Tolerance and dependence on this medicine can occur. Withdrawal from this medicine should be gradual.

Not to be used in:

  • Bleeding in the brain (cerebral haemorrhage) or Head injury
  • Closed angle glaucoma
  • Failure of the blood circulatory system (circulatory collapse)
  • Failure of the heart to maintain adequate circulation of blood (cardiogenic shock)
  • Heart disease in which the muscle of the heart grows abnormally (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy)
  • Inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart which stops the heart from beating properly (constrictive pericarditis)
  • Low volume of circulating blood (hypovolaemia)
  • Narrowing of the valves in the heart (mitral valve stenosis) or main artery coming from the heart(aortic stenosis)
  • Severe anaemia
  • Blood in the sac surrounding the heart which prevents the heart beating properly

This information is advisory only. It does not contain all information about this medication. If you have any questions about Isordil SR, ask your doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider., a Canadian Internet-based pharmacy intermediary (license #BC X23), offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, is ranked as one of the best Canadian pharmacies online.

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