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Are there Alternatives to the Soaring Price of Eliquis?

Patients on the popular medication Eliquis have had questions. This article will show a pathway to buying the generic alternative to Eliquis. A way to lower a familyโ€™s healthcare expense, for those that are self paying for Eliquis (apixaban) or for those who have insurance but their copay (non-covered portion) is too high. The high […]

How Much does Aubagio Cost and How to Get the Cheaper Generic, Teriflunomide?

The high cost of the drug Aubagio (teriflunomide) can make it inaccessible to those who have multiple sclerosis. Aubagio is a specialty medication commonly prescribed for treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS). What is MS? MS is a chronic, debilitating autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system, which includes the brain and the spinal cord. The […]